
About Lola

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So far Lola has created 89 blog entries.
  • The Call, Many Paths, Journey Wheel

Exploring the Call

You are a unique being; no one else is the same person. You are a key made to unlock the doors of your life. [...]

Exploring the Call2022-09-10T20:51:10+00:00
  • Tug of War

Tug of War

Three words can encompass a conflict: Root, Web and Edge. If you know these three things you can manage or even resolve most conflicts. [...]

Tug of War2021-04-07T01:46:33+00:00
  • Spiritual Seasonings Great Wheel Calendar Imbolc

Crossquarter: Imbolc and Brigid

Lola Wilcox Imbolc: pronounced Imm’ulk The Crossquarters are four lost directions, and Imbolc is the first one of the new [...]

Crossquarter: Imbolc and Brigid2022-09-10T20:51:54+00:00

Have Baggage. Looking for Conflict.

If we have a negative experience with conflict we tend to avoid, suppress, smooth over, “wait for emotions to cool down”, deny it’s happening, [...]

Have Baggage. Looking for Conflict.2022-09-10T20:52:06+00:00

Conflict as Transformer

Conflict delivers us to the Edge of a transformation. We have no need to disagree, argue, or fight with others whose understanding mirrors our [...]

Conflict as Transformer2022-09-10T21:06:06+00:00

Winter Solstice: Braiding Time

Ritual events are timed to braid together current, past and future realities, making continuities possible. Time is not sequential but looped into spirals, like [...]

Winter Solstice: Braiding Time2022-09-10T21:06:35+00:00
  • Lamentation

A Broken Prayer by Winter Christian George MacDonald

Dedication: “In thanksgiving for Marian Frank’s questioning faith.”    Following Brenton Dickieson’s blog A Pilgrim in Narnia I found a Friday teatime group committed to [...]

A Broken Prayer by Winter Christian George MacDonald2022-09-10T21:07:12+00:00
  • Judy Cole's Pumpkin Pazazz

Samhain or All Hallows’ Eve

From Spiritual Seasonings: A Life Recipe Book by Lola Wilcox All Hallows is the end and beginning of the Celtic Year. It is a [...]

Samhain or All Hallows’ Eve2023-10-15T22:10:56+00:00
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