
About Lola

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So far Lola has created 61 blog entries.
  • May Basket

May Day

Photo Credit: Lazar Gugleta, Unsplash I love May Day, the first day of the merry month of May. As a child we [...]

May Day2023-06-01T15:38:39+00:00
  • Motley Fool

Fools and Nets: Who Survives and How

A fool, a fool. I met a fool i’ the forest, A motley fool. (Jaques, As You Like It, Act 2 Scene 7) If [...]

Fools and Nets: Who Survives and How2023-06-01T15:38:41+00:00
  • Equinox Sunset

Meat and Salt: Equinox

When I first began thinking about Shakespeare’s King Lear and arrogance, I looked in the text for the youngest daughter’s response to her father’s [...]

Meat and Salt: Equinox2023-04-12T16:37:55+00:00
  • Red Rooster


My Shakespearian actor husband, Chuck Wilcox, began his Boulder Colorado Shakespeare Festival career playing Kent in King Lear. Kent is a truth-telling peer and [...]

  • Green Mountain

A Story that Saved my Life

In the 2022 cycle of the Hero/Heroine's journey at Home Again Nancy King commented that she had never been Home until now. I am [...]

A Story that Saved my Life2023-04-12T16:35:22+00:00
  • Bees and Honeycomb

Making Honey from My Old Failures

And the golden bees were making white combs, and sweet honey, from my old failures. —Antonio Machado, translation by Robert Bly [...]

Making Honey from My Old Failures2023-01-30T03:30:02+00:00
  • Gate In, Arch

The Return of Selkie Boy

In the Hero/Heroine’s Journey the Return is a time of integration on many levels. Jon Wiley offers a new perspective as his Return proves [...]

The Return of Selkie Boy2023-04-06T22:32:59+00:00
  • Zauschneria in snow

A New Year’s Deep-hidden Seeds

New Year’s is traditional Goal Setting time, and telling jokes about how soon those resolutions slide away. Since childhood I’ve taken this ritual seriously. [...]

A New Year’s Deep-hidden Seeds2023-04-06T22:34:50+00:00
  • Kinnikinnek

Winter Solstice: Sol Invictus

In the least we see Everything. In the turning The Way shows itself. —D. Malcolm Wells, 2021 Kinnikinnick [...]

Winter Solstice: Sol Invictus2023-04-06T22:36:51+00:00
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