
About Lola

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So far Lola has created 89 blog entries.
  • Trust Triangle

Attitude: Deep Roots, Dangerous Webs

Looking inside E for Engage means exploring Attitude. Don’t underestimate this word. Attitude is the key that unlocks the conflict. Two attitudes, at the [...]

Attitude: Deep Roots, Dangerous Webs2024-08-17T23:32:03+00:00
  • Archetype

A Ritual Journey: Road of Trials Part 1

In the Hero/Heroine’s Journey series we are at the first half of the Road of Trials. It’s a Ritual Journey, and traveled often with [...]

A Ritual Journey: Road of Trials Part 12024-08-17T23:32:04+00:00
  • lughnasadh, Wine sap Apples, D. Malcom Wells

Lughnasadh and Linear Time

Lughnasadh is the third cross-quarter Gaelic seasonal festival. Also called Lammas, the festival is a celebration of the First Fruits of the harvest season. [...]

Lughnasadh and Linear Time2024-08-17T23:32:05+00:00
  • No Worries

No Time But Now. And Now. And Now.

Being in the Now is giving up past and future tenses. Celebrate Midsummer by being present in time. Eight kinds of time are explored [...]

No Time But Now. And Now. And Now.2024-08-17T23:32:06+00:00

Role Training

Embarrassed both by their conflict’s Root Cause, and the two unhealthy Webs they had created, the two supervisors in Case Study #1 (see below) [...]

Role Training2024-08-17T23:32:06+00:00
  • Iona Bog

Temenos: Holy Sanctuary for Transformation

On the Hero/Heroine’s Journey, the Temenos stretches from the Gate In, through the Nigredo’s transformation cocoon, to the Gate Out. Once inside, we feel [...]

Temenos: Holy Sanctuary for Transformation2022-09-10T20:49:05+00:00
  • Lola Wilcox on Conflict

Symptoms, Sources, Solutions

The first task in conflict management is to notice you are in one – either by recognizing your own symptoms or those of others [...]

Symptoms, Sources, Solutions2022-09-10T20:49:19+00:00
  • Black Madonna, Beltaine, Matron of Summer

Beltaine: Welcome the Matron and Patron of Summer

Celebrate Beltaine on the First Day of May. Celebrate the energy of the Green Earth and the Mother ray (Ma-ray). The Maiden’s embodiment of [...]

Beltaine: Welcome the Matron and Patron of Summer2022-09-10T20:49:39+00:00
  • Gate Keepers

Gate In and Gate Keepers = Dangers

You listened to the Call and are on the road to the Gate In to your next transformation. The first Gate In is conception, [...]

Gate In and Gate Keepers = Dangers2022-09-10T20:50:06+00:00
  • Energize Photo by Anastasia Zhenina

Working the Edge

Case Study #1: Twenty Years of Baggage Question 1:  When did you first become aware of, get to know each other? [...]

Working the Edge2022-09-10T20:50:19+00:00
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