Attitude: Deep Roots, Dangerous Webs
Looking inside E for Engage means exploring Attitude. Don’t underestimate this word. Attitude is the key that unlocks the conflict. Two attitudes, at the [...]
Looking inside E for Engage means exploring Attitude. Don’t underestimate this word. Attitude is the key that unlocks the conflict. Two attitudes, at the [...]
In the Hero/Heroine’s Journey series we are at the first half of the Road of Trials. It’s a Ritual Journey, and traveled often with [...]
Lughnasadh is the third cross-quarter Gaelic seasonal festival. Also called Lammas, the festival is a celebration of the First Fruits of the harvest season. [...]
Being in the Now is giving up past and future tenses. Celebrate Midsummer by being present in time. Eight kinds of time are explored [...]
Embarrassed both by their conflict’s Root Cause, and the two unhealthy Webs they had created, the two supervisors in Case Study #1 (see below) [...]
On the Hero/Heroine’s Journey, the Temenos stretches from the Gate In, through the Nigredo’s transformation cocoon, to the Gate Out. Once inside, we feel [...]
The first task in conflict management is to notice you are in one – either by recognizing your own symptoms or those of others [...]
Celebrate Beltaine on the First Day of May. Celebrate the energy of the Green Earth and the Mother ray (Ma-ray). The Maiden’s embodiment of [...]
You listened to the Call and are on the road to the Gate In to your next transformation. The first Gate In is conception, [...]
Case Study #1: Twenty Years of Baggage Question 1: When did you first become aware of, get to know each other? [...]