• Created white, Raven’s feathers are burned black bringing fire to transform human lives.

Lola Wilcox


The cost of transformation is to risk everything; it takes profound courage, cleverness, and caritas. Each of us is called now to transform our self, our way of life, our relationships, the organizations in which we function, and how we steward the planet.


The Learning area explores four transformers. Story: how to use ancestral wisdom sent down the generations to us, Nature: how to live within the rhythm of the Earth, our island home, Organization: how to be at your edge, managing conflict well, Other: how to understand and perhaps love those who are not like you. All the (mostly) bi-weekly blog posts are available in their transformer section in the Blog area. I ask questions I hope you will consider, and then add your experiences and thoughts. Please join the conversation.

Examples of my short stories and plays are also available on this site.

“The way you write makes me feel safe. You talk about our dangerous times. But your words are like protecting arms around me.”

—Alexander H.

“Your blog and writing are truly lovely. And the pictures!! I find myself taken along and inspired. I’ve been pondering being one minute away from marrying the Troll Queen (White Bear King Valemon). It is an unsettling time we occupy right now, that is for sure. Thank you for the opportunity to consider it from such an interesting perspective.”

—Patricia M.

“I just began the treat of reading your blog. The first one to catch my eye was Attitude: Unto All Generations. I also have been taught that whatever healing we are able to do in this lifetime stretches both backwards and forwards. We heal the lineage and the path’s footsteps for those that are to come. Your blog is supportive of acknowledging and participating in the Heroine’s Journey in this lifetime.”

—J. Johnsen

“Thanks so much for the link to your Red River of Grace story. I’m going through that right now, beginning the journey. The story was so helpful.”

—Kris K.

Join the Conversation

To begin our mutual exploration, share your first name and email to receive The Hero/Heroine’s Journey, a booklet about the archetypal pattern underlying every transformation. This is a Way of Love, requiring skilled walkers.

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