In Beauty I Walk
Photo Credit: Lo Arno, Unsplash I was driving home from work one summer sunset time, and the sky was a dome of [...]
Photo Credit: Lo Arno, Unsplash I was driving home from work one summer sunset time, and the sky was a dome of [...]
Of all the stories that are gifts from our ancestors I find this one particularly useful right now. Why do the Princesses dance every [...]
People talk about “Finding my Calling.” It takes paying attention and deep listening to hear any Call, and then follow the Call into action. [...]
Beltaine is the Cross Quarter direction between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere. Last year’s Beltaine blog discusses traditional associations with [...]
I belonged to Associated Consultants International (ACI) for thirty-five of the organization’s 40 years. ACI was created to help consultants continue to learn, share [...]
Spring Equinox brings greens, eggs, fresh food after the long winter. Our rural ancestors immediately began storing food towards the next winter. Now most [...]
Why care about the first story ever told? The culture that told it was undergoing immense change, like ours. The threshold goddesses are day/air [...]
This Journey is complete when the Journeymaker reaches Home. But… where is that home? Is there a welcome? And what’s happening about the Gift [...]
"I love what you're writing on your blog. I love learning about transformation. Thank you for what you're writing. What are you planning to [...]
Once past the Gate Out, the Return requires looking both backwards and forwards. Returning requires making both reparations and openings. What are they? How [...]