
  • The Still Room Book tells the stories of three generations of people in the 1600s whose lives center around Dunnestoke Manor – its fields, gardens, and in particular, its still room. The Still Room Book includes recipes of distilled herbal remedies and brews as interesting as the characters. Drawings of the still room, flowers and herbs decorate the pages. Includes a CD of the actors reading Still Room Book.
  • The Russian version of Cinderella tells a very different story. Here the heroine, Vasalisa, is forced by the stepmother and sisters to leave Home, and enter the dark forest near her father’s house. She is to fetch a light from Baba Yaga, the witch who lives in a house that turns with the sun on a chicken leg, and whose porch posts hold human skulls. Baba Yaga gives Vasalisa three tasks to complete, threatening to eat her if she can’t finish. Once through this Road of Trials, Vasalisa returns home. She has the light she needs, and a personal gift from Baba Yaga which she uses to transform her life.
  • The King is ill and only the Water of Life can cure him. The two elder sons leave Home to try, but end up trapped. The youngest son manages to avoid the traps. He receives the Water of Life from a lovely woman who will be free in a year and a day.
  • Following the path of Joseph Campbell’s Hero/ine’s Journey Wheel, Every Soul leaves Home and meets the Old One, who has advice for passing through the Gate In.  Inside another world, the Temenos, Every Soul and Companion walk the Road of Trials, meeting a Dragon and a Witch.  To reach the Gate Out, Every Soul must survive the Nigredo – the place of complete transformation. This play is a dramatic enactment of the journey central to every story ever told. Individuals can read it and understand the Hero/ine’s Journey. Family, friends, reading groups can read through it and discuss. It can be performed alone, or with one or both of the other plays, and/or incorporated into a workshop.
  • Where does the bump on your forehead or your leg come from when you fall? As we travel with Bump, whose greatest desire is to find a home, this story answers that question. Let Bump find a home in your heart.
  • A rousing journey on a pirate ship leads a young girl to her true place in the world. The story is told in verse reminiscent of Gilbert and Sullivan, and a musical score included if you want to sing it. The vibrantly colored illustrations express the characters’ energy. Easy to read, to memorize, and to sing.
  • Where does the bump on your forehead or your leg come from when you fall? As we travel with Bump, whose greatest desire is to find a home, this story answers that question. Delightful line drawings fill this downloadable coloring book. Let Bump find a home in your heart.
  • Most of the stories in One is a Lonely Number take place in a 3,000 person urban high school in the late 1960’s. I captured what it was like to live then, when our lives were transformed through relationships.
    • In The Odd One a not-so-popular girl and the star pitcher on the school’s team figure out what counts more than anything else.
    • In spite, or because of, Freedom Marches in the south, in Ice on the Moon a black and a white student learn some hard lessons.
    • In Sar an old man and a girl help a boy recognize the difference between what’s real and illusion, and change his life.
    • In Ah! Mio Core a mother who doesn’t want a daughter that sings like a frog sends her to an old woman to find her voice.
  • Originally written for a St. Louis Jung Society contest on “Healing through the Numinous”, this essay explores how healing for self and planet occurs when we learn to see and then interact with other, non-human planetary beings. The essay, I Was Blind, And Now I See: Healing Through the Numinous, is available by purchase to download.
  • Originally written for a St. Louis Jung Society contest on “Healing through the Numinous”, this essay explores how healing for self and planet occurs when we learn to see and then interact with other, non-human planetary beings. The essay, I Was Blind, And Now I See: Healing Through the Numinous, is available by purchase to download.
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