Story as Transformer

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”—Albert Einstein

All the stories, including your own, are on the Hero/ine’s Wheel. Stories are gifts from our ancestors so you might know where you are, and what you should do. Dreams are also a Gate In to your transformation story.

  • Gate Keepers

Gate In and Gate Keepers = Dangers

You listened to the Call and are on the road to the Gate In to your next transformation. The first Gate In is conception, [...]

Gate In and Gate Keepers = Dangers2022-09-10T20:50:06+00:00
  • The Call, Many Paths, Journey Wheel

Exploring the Call

You are a unique being; no one else is the same person. You are a key made to unlock the doors of your life. [...]

Exploring the Call2022-09-10T20:51:10+00:00

To Be As Clean As We Can

"We are here, it seems, to be transformed, and transformed again, and again and again." —Michael Cunningham Our world and each [...]

To Be As Clean As We Can2022-09-10T21:10:47+00:00
  • Nest, Journey Wheel, Home

Where Is Home For You?

In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. - The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, line 1, page 1. The prologue to [...]

Where Is Home For You?2022-09-10T21:11:41+00:00
  • Digging Bluebells

Digging Bluebells

I know WHY digging bluebells became a decade long project of my life. The Call to the Bluebell Journey was the gardeners’ wish to [...]

Digging Bluebells2022-09-10T21:12:03+00:00
  • Joseph Campbell's Journey Wheel

The Transformation Journey

Joseph Campbell, a leading figure in comparative mythology and religion, gives us the journey every person takes as found in cultural mythologies worldwide. This [...]

The Transformation Journey2022-09-10T21:12:26+00:00

Five Important Facts about Transformation

We might say “I’m making a transition” when going from one site or place to another, perhaps at work or to a new home. [...]

Five Important Facts about Transformation2022-09-10T21:12:51+00:00
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