Nature as Transformer

We are part of our planet’s four Elementals, made of the substances of Earth and Water, breathing the Air, created with the sun’s Fire. The natural world constantly is transforming, often being both model and metaphor. Many explorations of this relationship are available to you here.

  • Bees and Honeycomb

Making Honey from My Old Failures

And the golden bees were making white combs, and sweet honey, from my old failures. —Antonio Machado, translation by Robert Bly [...]

Making Honey from My Old Failures2023-01-30T03:30:02+00:00
  • Zauschneria in snow

A New Year’s Deep-hidden Seeds

New Year’s is traditional Goal Setting time, and telling jokes about how soon those resolutions slide away. Since childhood I’ve taken this ritual seriously. [...]

A New Year’s Deep-hidden Seeds2023-04-06T22:34:50+00:00
  • Kinnikinnek

Winter Solstice: Sol Invictus

In the least we see Everything. In the turning The Way shows itself. —D. Malcolm Wells, 2021 Kinnikinnick [...]

Winter Solstice: Sol Invictus2023-04-06T22:36:51+00:00

Hanukkah Dreidel and Gambling with God

The word Hanukkah generally translates from Hebrew to mean dedication. It is an eight-day celebration of a good blessing story. The dreidel is a [...]

Hanukkah Dreidel and Gambling with God2023-04-06T22:37:24+00:00
  • Give Thanks

Giving Thanksgiving for the Noes in Our Lives

At times in my life I’ve received a Great No that upended my life and created an unimagined future. At other times a little [...]

Giving Thanksgiving for the Noes in Our Lives2023-04-12T17:04:38+00:00
  • Be Here Now, pebbles and stones

In Beauty I Walk

Photo Credit: Lo Arno, Unsplash I was driving home from work one summer sunset time, and the sky was a dome of [...]

In Beauty I Walk2022-09-10T20:24:45+00:00
  • fire

Embracing Beltaine: Fire Element Crossquarter

Beltaine is the Cross Quarter direction between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere. Last year’s Beltaine blog discusses traditional associations with [...]

Embracing Beltaine: Fire Element Crossquarter2023-04-12T17:00:39+00:00
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