
About Lola

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So far Lola has created 89 blog entries.
  • Zauschneria in snow

A New Year’s Deep-hidden Seeds

New Year’s is traditional Goal Setting time, and telling jokes about how soon those resolutions slide away. Since childhood I’ve taken this ritual seriously. [...]

A New Year’s Deep-hidden Seeds2023-04-06T22:34:50+00:00
  • Kinnikinnek

Winter Solstice: Sol Invictus

In the least we see Everything. In the turning The Way shows itself. —D. Malcolm Wells, 2021 Kinnikinnick [...]

Winter Solstice: Sol Invictus2023-04-06T22:36:51+00:00

Hanukkah Dreidel and Gambling with God

The word Hanukkah generally translates from Hebrew to mean dedication. It is an eight-day celebration of a good blessing story. The dreidel is a [...]

Hanukkah Dreidel and Gambling with God2023-04-06T22:37:24+00:00
  • Give Thanks

Giving Thanksgiving for the Noes in Our Lives

At times in my life I’ve received a Great No that upended my life and created an unimagined future. At other times a little [...]

Giving Thanksgiving for the Noes in Our Lives2023-04-12T17:04:38+00:00
  • Ocean

Nigredo: Ocean of Darkness, Ocean of Light

In this year’s cycling through the stages of the Hero/Heroines’ Journey we come again to the Nigredo – the place of transformation. I believe [...]

Nigredo: Ocean of Darkness, Ocean of Light2023-01-27T21:52:30+00:00
  • Scot Pin on Stewart Plaid Rose

My Heroine’s Journey on the Red River of Grace

A Call to radically change my external life led to a month-long Heroine’s Journey. My task was to distribute the accumulation of two busy, [...]

My Heroine’s Journey on the Red River of Grace2023-01-27T21:52:33+00:00
  • Red House Ice Mountain

White Bear King Valemon and the Road of Trials

I asked if I might use Bev Pask-Hughes’ painting for this blog because of three things: the love of adventure in the woman, [...]

White Bear King Valemon and the Road of Trials2022-09-10T22:34:33+00:00
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